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This is the TagManager object which allows you to retrieve, update and remove tags.

Method Description
deleteTag Deletes a tag with the specified key.
getTag Retrieves a TagDTO object for the tag with the specified key. Returns nil if the tag doesn't exist.
getTagValue Retrieves the value of the tag with the specified key as a string.
incrementTag Increments the value of the tag with the specified key by the given amount.
saveTag Saves a tag with the specified key and value. Executes the success block upon successful save, and the failure block on error.
saveTag Saves a tag with the specified key and value. Executes the success block upon successful save, and the failure block on error. Additionally, it allows specifying whether to force send the tag.


The Tag Data Transfer Object (DTO) which has a key property (string) and a value property (string representation of the value).

Property Type Description
key String The key of the tag.
value String The value of the tag

Last update: 2024-01-30