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The Carousel Element type which holds all the information for a Carousel type of guide.

Property Type Description
margin FourSide Margin of the carousel.
boxShadow CGFloat The carousel's box shadow.
borderColor UIColor Color of the border.
borderWidth CGFloat Width of the border.
cornerRadius CGFloat Corner radius.
items NSArray< CarouselItem> Items of the carousel content.
buttonWidthUnit NSString The button's width unit.

Each Carousel Item Element which makes up a Carousel guide.

Property Type Description
suid NSString Id of the carousel item.
imageSource NSString Image of this carousel item. It can be a local image name, or a web download URL.
image UIImage The downloaded image, directly passed to paper onboarding.
iconSource NSString Icon of this carousel item. It can be a local image name, or a web download URL.
icon UIImage The downloaded icon, directly passed to paper onboarding.
backgroundColor UIColor Background color of this carousel.
titleText NSString Title text of this carousel item.
titleColor UIColor Title color of this carousel item.
titleFontName NSString The text's font name for the title.
titleFontSize CGFloat The text's font size for the title.
titleFontWeight NSString The text's font weight for the title. Just keep the original data from payload.
titleFont UIFont (readonly) The font of the title.
contentText NSString Content text of this carousel item.
contentColor UIColor Content color of this carousel item.
contentFontName NSString The text's font name for the content.
contentFontSize CGFloat The text's font size for the content.
contentFontWeight NSString The text's font weight for the content. Just keep the original data from payload.
contentFont UIFont (readonly) The font of the content.
button ButtonElement The button on this carousel.

Last update: 2024-01-30