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This is the main overridable function of the CTXBaseGuideController class and it is responsible for adding the guide itself to the view hierarchy of the app, as well as informing the Contextual SDK once it has successfully done so or it has failed to do so.

These are the parameters of this function:


Parameter Description
contextualContainer An object containing all the information for this guide as it was configured on the Contextual Dashboard, as well as some functions that will provide additional functionality for your use case if required. Details of this object can be found below: ContextualContainer object
viewController The UIViewController (optional) that this guide is being triggered from
success The block to be invoked upon successful presentation of the guide
failure The block to be invoked upon failure to present the guide

ContextualContainer object

This is the container object which holds all of the API references which you may need when implementing a custom GuideBlock.

Property Description
guidePayload All the guide information as configured on the Contextual Dashboard. Details of this object can be found below: guidePayload
tagManager A class which allows management of Contextual tags (add, update, delete)
operations A class that provides additional functionality to interact with the Contextual REST API

Last update: 2024-01-30