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Mixpanel integration

Why integrate Contextual with Mixpanel

Although you can track Guide performance in Contextual, you may also like to track how well Contextual Guides are performing against goals or funnels that you have set up in Mixpanel. You can set up onboarding, retention and activation funnels in Mixpanel and use Contextual Guide results to see which Guides are helping. You can then Guide and test changes in Contextual Guides to see what gets the best results for your goals.

How to set it up:

  1. You will need both a Contextual account and a Mixpanel account. Go here to signup for a free mixpanel acocunt

  2. To ensure that Contextual Guide data links up to your userprofiles inside of Mixpanel, please make sure that you have used the same unique identifier in Mixpanel (distinct_id) as Contextual (sh_cuid).

  3. Once you have set up both the Mixpanel and Contextual integrations then go to the integrations page inside of Contextual and select the mixpanel logo.

  4. Then input the project token from the project that you would like to send data to.

  5. Final step is to setup and enable the integrations options that you want to use.

Last update: 2023-04-12